About Mima’s Maison

We are two women, two mothers, two friends, who want to bring back some magic into your daily life!

We love spending time with our kids, but also with our friends – and sometimes those two are mutually exclusive! We were left with very few choices when it came to spending some quality time, both, with our friends and our children.

Our options were to host our friends at home, meaning organizing food, drinks and a loooot of clean up later, or going out to a restaurant or cafe where kid’s attention span is about 2 sips of your drink and maybe 3 full sentences before you hear ‘Mommy, mommy’… Sounds familiar?

About Mimas Maison

So between ‘mommy I don’t want to eat this’, and ‘mommy I’m bored’ we started fantasizing of a place where we could actually have our drink, eat healthy, have kids play safely, have time to ourselves, and also do fun activities with our kids and friends. Every time we saw each other we were building our magical fantasy place in our minds until one day we could see it, and we started believing we can create it. And Mima’s Maison was born.

It is a place of our dreams, a space we want to share with other friends, it is your favorite spot whether you have children or not, a place where you can for a moment remember there is still magic in this world.

Open your own Mima’s Maison

Do you love our concept?
Do you feel like your neighborhood is missing a magical place like Mima’s?
Well, give us a call and we can tell you about our franchise program!

About Mimas Maison

Jobs / Internship / Cooperation

You would like to be a part of our team? We are looking forward for your application!